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Updated: Apr 25, 2020

Whether you enjoy iced, frozen or hot, you've got to try this healthy and delicious beverage!

Dunkin' Donuts has recently added matcha lattes to their menu. Although it is sweetened, the health benefits seem too good to be true!

From Coffee to Matcha

"...A new way to...reenergize."-Dunkin'

My order at Dunkin' used to be a small iced caramel swirl with extra cream and extra sugar. I know what you're probably thinking....caramel and extra sugar? What can I say, I am my father's daughter. Overtime, my body developed a strong reaction to caffeine which induced fatigue and stomach pains as well as nausea. I had tried decaf coffee, however, it was not the same. Awakening at 7am to go to work I needed a pick me up.

Matcha Moves by Word of Mouth

My history teacher, a vegetarian, always stays up to date with the knowledge of the latest trends. From fashion and health to Netflix and Tik Tok to politics and world events she knew it all. Since she has been a vegetarian since she was a teenager, she has familiarity with the ins and outs of healthy dieting. One day she came into class raving about Dunkin' matcha lattes. By discussing the health benefits, I decided to try it.

Can I get a heaven in a cup?

From the first sip I swore off coffee forever. My first time I ordered a small iced matcha latte with whole milk. Because I am accustomed to drinking 1% milk, it was a bit too creamy for me. Albeit, it tastes like heaven. Naturally, with skim milk the matcha flavor becomes the forefront. It is very creamy, yet it still maintains a grassy flavor. As being someone who enjoys eating straight up plants, I would say it tastes delicious.

Nutritional Values

"...the perfect way to recharge and refresh."-Dunkin'

Iced Matcha Latte*

Calories: Sm. 240

Med. 360

Lg. 480

Total Fat: 0g

Cholesterol: Sm. 0mg

Med. 5mg

Lg. 5mg

Sodium: Sm. 50mg

Med. 70mg

Lg. 95mg

Total Carbs: Sm. 55g

Med. 83g

Lg. 111g

Dietary Fiber: Sm. 1g

Med. 1g

Lg. 2g

Natural Sugars: Sm. 4g

Med. 7g

Lg. 9g

Protein: Sm. 4

Med. 6g

Lg. 8g

Vitamin D: Sm. 3mcg

Med. 5mcg

Lg. 6mcg

Potassium: Sm. 146mg

Med. 220mg

Lg. 293mg

Calcium: Sm. 121mg

Med. 182mg

Lg. 242mg

*All values are based on a 2,000 calories diet and matcha lattes with skim milk.

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Writer's pictureSara Solomon

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

What started as medicine in ancient China now becomes America's latest health trend!

Although matcha has become a recent trend, its health benefits were utilized in ancient Chinese culture in the year 600 A.D.

Benefits of Matcha

Matcha is a powder formed from pulverized green tea leaves that can be used in a variety of ways.

In addition to boosting metabolism and burning calories, matcha is filled with antioxidants including EGCg. With an ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) rating of 1573 units per gram, matcha contains more antioxidants than blueberries (93 units per gram) and pomegranates (105 units per gram) according to Tufts University experts. In a study conducted by Brunswick Labs, matcha has more than double the amount of antioxidants than gojiberries, spinach, pomegranates, blueberries, acaiberries and broccoli combined. It is heart healthy as it lowers blood sugar and cholesterol. Moreover, matcha is rich in fiber, chlorophyll, vitamins C, selenium, chromium and zinc as well as magnesium. This wonderful powder helps your cognitive health by calming the mind and body in addition to enchanting focus and mood. Adding matcha to your everyday diet can improve not just your physical health, but your cognitive health too.

How does matcha support weight loss?

"One serving of matcha tea is the nutritional equivalent of 10 cups of regularly brewed green tea."-MatchaSource

Without raising your blood pressure or heart rate, matcha boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories. A recent study suggests that matcha can aid in burning calories by four times. It does not evoke the side effects pharmaceuticals bring to the table making it a safer alternative than weight loss medication or "quick fixes." As highlighted in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, those who consume matcha green tea saw a metabolic increase from regularly 8%-10% to 35%-43%.

Does matcha really prevent cancer?

Yes! Matcha contains a particular class of antioxidants called catechins. Specifically, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) contains cancer-preventing properties that are rarely found in other foods. By counteracting with the effects of pollution, UV rays, radiation and other chemicals have on the body, a reduction in DNA and cell damage occurs.

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